Corporate Services:

An organization is as good as its human asset. Evaluating, honing and nurturing this asset is then not just the need of organizations but their responsibility as well. To achieve this end we provide the following services:



People are an organizations greatest asset yet understanding their greatest asset is something that organizations find difficult. That’s because people are difficult to read. Assessment is about going beyond the façade and finding what truly lies beneath.

We match the right people to the right jobs, we help individuals realize where their strengths lie or design the most accurate and efficient selection system, we ensure that the right things are being measured in the best possible way.

This, in turn, gives you the best possible information on which to base your people decisions; decisions about who to employ, how and where to employ them, how to develop them and what they need to do to be effective.

We do this through:

  • Individual Assessment
  • Selection systems for Recruitment
  • Competency Analysis



Change is scary, which is why most people fear it. However, change propogates growth which makes it necessary too. The process of change needs to be handled delicately. Being psychologists we understand what motivates individuals, teams and leaders. We also know how they learn and adapt – in new and constantly changing environments.

If you ensure people are stimulated they’ll be less likely to seek their fortunes elsewhere. With our unique blend of psychological, behavioral and unconventional training methods we amalgamate the best to provide a holistic training methodology that is unparralled.

Some of our training programs are:

Selection Skills Training Interview Skills Training Soft Skills Development:
Team Building: Effective Communication Anger Management
Personal Development Yoga Nidra REBT
Time Management Goal Setting Motivation
Interpersonal Skills Behaviour Modification Leadership Training
Social, Emotional, Behavioural Skills Train the Trainer
Outbound Trainings

To have a customized program developed for your organization please write to



Psychological wellbeing is today a key part of an organization’s priorities. A large percent of variance in job performance is accounted for by well-being related factors.

The fact is it’s not a “nice to have” but a “must have” in every organization. We are the bridge towards psychological wellbeing.

We provide psychological counseling services onsite on a retainership to your employees. Without the added effort of seeking a counselor they will be able to avail the facility of a counselor on the office premises thereby getting them closer to the goal of achieving psychological wellbeing.